Yazhini Traveling Scholarship 2007
1639 Hurstborough Manor Dr, St Louis, 63042 USA. Phone: +1 314 770 0141
http://www.nichitecture.com/yts.htm ● nicholas@nichitecture.com
Purpose: One of the main purposes of the Yazhini Traveling Scholarship is to encourage NITT students to travel. Based on the interest generated by the students and the availability of funds in the future, the scholarship will be embellished. The scholarship consists of two stages. The total award of the scholarship is INR 10, 000 (Ten thousand rupees).
Eligibility: All current students of the NITT Architecture Department are eligible. Each eligible student can make one proposal per scholarship period.
First Stage: Eligible students submit the completed entry form regarding their travel plans along with two samples of their architectural photographs. The first installment of the Scholarship (INR 5000) is awarded based on this proposal. The student is not expected / obligated to anything else during this stage. Requirements for the proposal to be emailed:
1. Completed Form2. Two digital photographs minimum one mega pixel size.
Second Stage: The second stage involves actually traveling per the travel plans proposed in the first stage and submitting a CD of around 100 digital photos taken during the travel. A copy of this CD will be kept with the Department of Architecture, NITT for archival purposes. The Scholarship organizer will keep another copy of this CD. The student will retain full copyright over the photos. However, the student is expected to sign an agreement allowing The Scholarship to use the photos for educational and for non commercial uses like hosting it on a website or exhibiting the photos at a School of Architecture, etc. Without the consent of the student these photographs will not be used for any commercial purposes. More info on this and the requirements for the second stage will be made available when the first installment is awarded. The second stage should be completed within six months from the receipt of the first installment. Upon successful completion of the second stage, the final installment (INR 5000) is disbursed by the Scholarship. Requirement for this stage includes:
1. A CD of around 100 digital photos (JPG minimum 4 mega pixel size) taken during the travel.
What's Next: Some selected photographs may be exhibited at the School of Architecture, Washington University, St Louis Gallery. (http://www.arch.wustl.edu/) The Pulitzer Foundation for Arts and Architecture (http://www.pulitzerarts.org/) is also interested in helping to host some of these pictures online.
The Jury:
S Rajendra Babu, Professor, Department of Architecture, NITT, Trichy
TSODC, Chennai - Satta / Sivakumar, Batch of 1993
Hids Samsudeen, Batch of 1994
Maheswari Karthikeyan, Batch of 1998
Nicholas Iyadurai, Batch of 1993 (non voting juror - will vote to decide on a tie)
If any dispute arises, all decision by Nicholas Iyadurai will be final.
1. Proposal Deadline: 31 October 2007
2. Jury Decision: 15 November 2007
3. First stage award: 1 December 2007
4. Second stage award: Two weeks after the receipt of the CD from the student.
More information and downloads from http://www.nichitecture.com/yts.htm
Questions / Comments: nicholas@nichitecture.com
I am sadasivam from Kuwait.
Working in international consultant
as a project architect.
Now i am working in high rise building 32o m height
keep in touch
Thanks for the info. If you dont send me your email, I cannot be in touch or I cannot even reply you!
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