Saturday, January 31, 2009

YTS Deadline Feb 15th 2009!

YTS 2009 - New logo

Here is a logo in the making...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Yazhini Travel Scholarship Jury finalized

Here are the jurors for the Yazhini Travel scholarship 2009:
Bruce Lindsey, Dean, School of Architecture, Washington University, St Louis, USA
Karan Grover, Architect and Permanent Honorary Fellow of the National Academy of Environment, Karan Grover Associates, Baroda, India
Rajendra Babu, Asst. Professor, Department of Architecture, National Inst of Technology, Trichy, India
Robert Ducker, Director of Design, Christner, Inc., St Louis, Missouri, USA

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Yazhini Travel Scholarship 2009

Yazhini Travel Scholarship
the students of architecture
at the
National Institute of Technology,
Trichy, India
to travel.
Please visit
to get more information on
YTS 2009.

Please click
for the past
YTS 2007/8